This 48 year-old patient had a considerably younger significant other. Despite being in good physical shape, the patient felt that she was starting to develop jowls, a fatty neck, and upper lip “smoker’s lines,” even though she didn’t smoke. She had experienced great care at Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery during previous non-surgical treatments with Juvéderm and Botox. These nonsurgical procedures had improved the folds around her mouth, but at this point she was ready for a more profound effect that could only be achieved with surgery.This facelift patient, like many others from Michigan, was concerned about taking time off from work. The patient and surgeon created a surgical plan that included a mini facelift, chin liposuction, and a phenol peel to the area surrounding her mouth. Quick recovery techniques were used so the patient could return to her sales and marketing job within a week. Her shorter mini facelift incisions were carefully hidden in the natural creases around her ears and closed using a meticulous double-layer closure to give her an imperceptible scar. Chin liposuction was performed using a small incision made in the existing crease under her chin. The patient was thrilled with her results and continues to maintain her refreshed look with regular skincare and peels as recommended by the aestheticians at AAPS.