Breast Augmentation with Lift
This 41 year-old mom came to Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery bothered by the dropping of her breasts as she aged. She was happy with the size of her breasts; however, she wanted them lifted back to where they were prior to having children. As she searched for a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Michigan, she chose Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery. After a great discussion with her surgeon, they decided that placing an implant along with doing a breast lift would best meet her surgery goals. A full vertical breast lift, or “lollipop lift,” was performed along with the placement of 350 cc Mentor moderate plus silicone gel implants in the sub-pectoral position. She was surprised by the quick recovery. She is so astounded with her results and the decision to do both the breast lift and implant that she has since referred many of her friends to AAPS.