Losing weight, aging, or other significant events can create loose, hanging skin that proves frustrating for men trying to get into shape. Redundant skin and pockets of excess fat around the midsection can often keep them from achieving their ideal physiques. Male tummy tucks help restore the appearance of the abdomen, resulting in a trimmer, sleeker, natural-looking physique.
PowerTuck in Michigan
While both tummy tucks and liposuction can help reshape the midsection, the correct procedure depends on your anatomy.
- Tummy tucks are the correct choice for those who have minimal fat but have loose skin or a protuberant stomach due to muscle separation.
- Liposuction is an excellent solution for those who have excess fat but tight, elastic skin that isn’t overhanging.
Our PowerTuck enhances the results of a male tummy tuck by pairing it with flank liposuction for a dramatic midsection transformation. This combined procedure eliminates excess fat and love handles that extend to the back as well as redundant skin and lax muscles.
By combining the two body-shaping procedures, you can achieve optimal results with only one recovery period.