Patients seeking rhinoplasty often want to enhance the shape of the nasal tip. One common issue is a nasal tip that looks “boxy” or round.
Evaluating Your Nose
Women and men interested in rhinoplasty in Ann Arbor, Michigan, often have two major concerns: their nasal tips and their profiles. It is very important that patients communicate their personal perceptions of what constitutes an attractive nose to their cosmetic surgeon. During your consultation, Dr. Malhotra will show you how to measure and evaluate the various parts of your nose. First, he will measure the bony part between your eyes to check the nasal width. Second, he will examine the midsection or “middle third” of your nose for width and how it blends to your cheek. Another parameter he will assess is how smoothly one portion of the nose transitions to the next. The nasal tip is quite complex. It will be evaluated for definition as well as for how far it projects from the face, which is called “tip projection.” In order to avoid the obvious look of a nose job, Dr. Malhotra will discuss with you how to achieve a result that is balanced, elegant, and beautiful.