A dedicated diet and exercise regimen can’t always defeat evolution’s resolve to keep some fat on the body. Whether you’re looking to define your body’s natural curves or remove stubborn fat, liposuction provides a potential solution.
High-Definition Liposuction in Michigan
High-definition liposuction (also referred to as high-def lipo or HD lipo) is a newer iteration of liposuction designed to achieve a highly precise body contouring result. Whereas traditional liposuction also removes unwanted fat, high-def lipo aims to provide someone who is at their ideal weight with the most sculpted and toned appearance possible. Once the fat cells are targeted, destroyed, and flushed out of your system, you should expect to see dramatic results and enjoy a sculpted appearance far superior to results from diet, exercise, or other body contouring procedures. If you are searching for high-definition liposuction in Ann Arbor, we invite you to review our high-def lipo before and after pictures or schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons to learn more.