3 Skincare Trends That Are Here to Stay
Beauty trends come and go, but healthy skin is always in style. When you're young, achieving gorgeous, healthy skin is easy. As you age, it becomes more challenging.While it is easy to find treatments offering skincare miracles and quick fixes, the results of these treatmen...
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Nighttime Skincare Routine for Busy Moms
Mom life is non-stop go, go, go. When the kids are finally asleep, all you want to do is fall into bed and sleep until morning when you do it all again. We know you're exhausted, but your skin needs you.Nighttime skincare is essential fo...
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How To Choose Skincare Products for Your Skin Type
When we look for cosmetic products for our skin, whether at the mall or online stores, there are many options just waiting for us. Unfortunately, the many beauty influencers out there promoting expensive and newly launched products can leave us feeling more bewildered than ever...
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Advantages of Getting Plastic Surgery in the Spring
Spring cleaning isn't just for cupboards. At Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery, we love helping our patients enjoy the season of rejuvenation with plastic surgery treatments for their face and body.During the spring, the world awakens. Blossoms appear on once dormant plants and the...
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How to Look Refreshed for the Holiday Season
We are indeed in the holiday season. From the festive decorations to the smells of treats baking, watching holiday movies, and singing carols with the neighbors, there are lots of celebrations happening this time of year.With the parties at your office and get-togethers with fami...
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