What Is the Difference Between Dermal Fillers and Botox®?
The negative impact of the signs of aging, like wrinkles, fine lines, and volume loss, can affect your appearance, your self-esteem, and your overall sense of wellness. Dermal fillers and Botox® are two effective treatments to help refresh your youthful appearance and r...
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Advantages of Getting Plastic Surgery in the Spring
Spring cleaning isn't just for cupboards. At Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery, we love helping our patients enjoy the season of rejuvenation with plastic surgery treatments for their face and body.During the spring, the world awakens. Blossoms appear on once dormant plants and the...
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Is Facial Fat Grafting Better Than Dermal Fillers?
Time marches on, but fortunately for your appearance, there are many ways to slow its effects. Wrinkles and facial volume loss can be addressed with dermal fillers or fat grafting, two highly effective options for diminishing the effects of the aging process. These treatments can...
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