Megan is one of our amazing Advanced Nurse Injectors at Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery. With over two decades of experience in nursing and a passion for aesthetics, Megan is highly skilled in advanced techniques that help patients achieve natural-looking beauty.
Find Out More About Megan
What is my favorite area to inject?
My favorite area to inject is the lips. The lips when hydrated give a youthful, vibrant, and healthy appearance to the face no matter what age you are.
What is my philosophy for injecting?
My philosophy for injecting is less is more. I want my patients to look and feel like the best versions of themselves. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and the goal is to age gracefully and not be overdone.
What is a fun fact about me?
I come from 2 large families. My dad is 1 of 10 children. My grandmother on my mother’s side is 1 of 9 children. I have 21 first cousins on my dad’s side of the family alone. I grew up with my cousins and was born with built in best friends. I’m blessed with family.